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Why Meditation ? Sahaj Yoga

Hello Friends


People generally ask me why and what's the need to be meditate.

As i feel meditation gives me HAPPINESS.

I started this blog to share my experience with you what i got while meditation,
how my life changed with meditation and how you can join with me and divine energy of whole world and see what is wrong and right, how you can be witnessed to truth, how you can live a happy life with easy meditation.

Journey of meditation i started with few years back, where meditation pick me as a yogi and i feel you will definitely get the and be the part and parcel of the whole worlds divine energy. below i ll provide links that you can start meditation after reading this whole post.

I started with SAHAJYOGA which is found and established by 

sahaj yoga actually worked on me and give me happiness bliss and life motive to be a part of virat param chetanya, with few easy steps and pure desire in you works and give you a strong connection with god.

1. Start with these 10 easy steps

2. Watch this video : 

Youtube Link

And write me your experience .. 
Thank You for reading 

Jai shri mataji

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